現在発売中のLOOP Magazinevol.19 人気連載であるGETTING Off A BICYCLEの原文を公開します!!
I’ve been to a few CMWCs now and I always feel like the last one was the best, but it’s usually hard to pinpoint why.
Perhaps because it’s never just one thing, it’s a collection of many.
When I come home from one of these things, just answering the simple question, “how was your trip” becomes really hard. How do I describe the CMWC? What do I say? There is the trip there, the pre-event, the group ride, the parties, the new friends, the old ones, the races, the romances, the inside jokes, the weird food, the journey home… It was awesome? Epic? Brutal? Fun?
The CMWC is whatever you make it, whatever you want it to be. I consider it the battery charger for my #messlife. It is race, it’s a party. It’s all day, everyday, as much as you can handle and often more. It’s about the bike, the love, the struggle, the joy, the fun, the triumph, the places, and ultimately the people. It’s about doing amazing things with inspired people without the limitations of common sense and seeing what happens. It has become my life, and the people I’ve met there my family. A family with lots of crazy aunts and uncles but I love them all!
Only time a sausage fest in a fun fest.
Messenger events are always fun. Pre-event, CMWC, alleycats and of course the parties. These messenger championships are a great time for us messengers to just kick back and relax, sort of. These events are like a work week, with no pay and lots of parties. Once a year messengers from all over the world meet in a different city which is elected 2 years prior by the people in attendance at CMWC. This is like a tv show in my eyes. I love going to these events. I look forward to them every year. This is a photo of the friday night party in Melbourne. This is probably the only time you will see this many smelly shirtless drunk bearded dudes tattooed up in one room without any rainbows. This is true BROMANCE!