“YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT” presented by Ferris Plock・SAND ・yoshi47開催
LOOP MAGAZINE本誌でも特集したこともあるyoshi47氏はサンフランシスコでメッセンジャー経験もあるアーティスト。彼が描くインパクトあるキャラは一度目にするとずっと気になっちゃう。そしてアメリカのアート界で確固たる地位を築いているFerris Plock氏はサンフランシスコにベースを置いており、以前よりyoshi47氏と交流。2014年に行われたLevi’s Californiaというイベントにて、yoshi47氏が参加を要請し、それ以降彼との交友が盛んに。そして、彼と人生観などを語っているうちに、日本で小さくても良いから一緒にアートショーをやらないかという話に発展し、今回の小さな展示会が生まれたとのこと。さらにyoshi47氏とともに活動する81 BASTARDSのメンバーSAND氏も参加を表明し、実に豪華なグループ展が開催されることになった。
Ferris Plock
Ferris Plock is a San Francisco-based artist who lives within the city with his wife, Kelly Tunstall (Plock’s partner in the artistic duo KeFe), and son Brixton. Plock brings a dedicated focus to his work that is paired with a wild sense of originality. Through a variety of mediums including acrylic, watercolor, spray paint, India ink, gold or silver leaf, and collage Plock creates highly detailed works, often character-based paintings on wood panel, that combine contemporary pop culture with the aesthetic of Japanese ukiyo-e woodblocks. Widely-accomplished and with a diverse range of artistic interests, Plock has created illustrations for many high-profile clients, has been involved in solo and group exhibitions both nationally and abroad, and also served as the 2010 SF Recology Artist in Resident.
Ferris Plock氏はサンフラシスコをベースとしたアーティストで同じくアーティストであるKelly Tunstall氏を妻としKeFeというアーティストデュオを結成しています。コンテンポラリーポップを中心とし、日本の浮世絵をモチーフとしたオリジナルキャラクターを生み出し、アクリル絵具、水彩、スプレー、インディアインク、金、銀、葉っぱ、そしてコラージュを使用し表現をしています。今までに大企業とのコラボレーション、個展を国内外にて展開。2010年にはSF Recology Artist Residencyに参加。
Born in 1981 in Gifu prefecture, and raised in Aichi pref.
At the age of twenty, he moved to California, USA to pursue an art career. He spent four years in the Bay area doing live painting and participating in both solo exhibitions and art events. While living in San Francisco, he discovered a small group of avid bicyclists and became a bike messenger. It was through his experience as a courier that he found his essence of life and the conceptual basis for his art.
In 2006, he returned to Japan. Initially he lived in Tokyo, where he continued to work as a messenger and became involved in the bicycle industry. He eventually relocated to Kariya City for two and a half years to focus on his artistic and business endeavors. In 2010, he spent eight months in Tochigi and afterward returned to Tokyo, where he is currently based. He is involved in art curating, graphic design, illustration, company / collaborative projects, and continues to exhibit his artwork worldwide.
Born in 1979, living life in Tokyo.
Basically, doing graphic designing as a free designer.
He enjoys his representation such as his product, apparel design, shop-window arrangement and so on, no matter where and how.
Participating a painting group “81BASTARDS” as a painter other than graphic label “SAYHELLO”.
He cuts out everything pop through his own perspective.
1979年生まれ、東京在住。フリーデザイナーとしてグラフィックデザインをベースに活動。そのプロダクトやアパレルデザイン、ショップウィンドウ等、場所と手法を選ばすに表現を楽しむ。グラフィックレーベル「SAYHELLO」の他、ペインターとしてもペインティング集団「81 BASTARDS」に参加。独自の視点で全ての物をPOPに切り取る。
presented by
Ferris Plock (San Francisco)
SAND (Tokyo)
yoshi47 (Aichi)
Schedule : 4/1(fri) ~4/3(sun)
Opening party : 4/1(fri) 5:00pm~8:00pm
Free talk : 4/2(sat) 2:00pm~8:00pm
Closing & Live mural : 4/3(sun) 3:00pm~8:00pm
#101 2-19-12 Tomigaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo